Connect your profile to your company’s LinkedIn page
Taking an extra few seconds to connect your profile to your company’s LinkedIn page gives you and your company several advantages. Primarily, it puts you in a position to support company posts and increase your company’s visibility online. It’s an easy fix:
Open LinkedIn and click on the “Me” menu title under your profile pic in the top menu bar (toward the right). From the pull-down menu, select “View profile” in blue. Once your profile opens, scroll down to your Experience section and click on the pencil in the top right corner of your current role at your company. That opens the editor window. In the editor pop-up window, highlight your current company name as though you’re going to delete it. Then begin typing in your company name again. The search has a smart finder that should help you connect to your company page; if a company page for your company exists on the LinkedIn platform, it will appear in the pull-down menu. Select your company page. Be sure to click SAVE in the bottom right of the window. Now your company name in your LinkedIn profile will be a live link to your LinkedIn company page.
If your company doesn’t have a dedicated LinkedIn page, you could be missing opportunities. In short order, we can help you set up your social media foundation, determine which platforms will serve your needs, and plan for content and posts.

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