In 1991, two young creatives who had once worked together for a large New Jersey advertising agency, decided to venture forth on their own. Over the course of the next two decades the creative pair continued to educate themselves in matters of business, strategy, and technology. They learned from some of the industry’s foremost marketing executives and business leaders, many of them clients.
Today, Stone’s Throw has emerged as a trusted creative partner for clients who have made their choice from among the finest firms in the region. Galvanized by the many storms of an uncertain economy and world events, the experience gained through many and varied client relationships, and the insights that come through the trial-and-error approach to guiding one’s own ship, Stone’s Throw stands ready to help you more fully realize your vision for your communications and your business.
Deanne Napurano
Deanne is a skilled marketing strategist, creative director and writer. She’s as comfortable and adept when developing a full marketing plan for a small law firm as she is when writing a white paper for a large medical device corporation.
First and foremost, Deanne inspires and guides both client and in-house teams. She works closely with clients to develop integrated marketing plans and business development communications, beginning with crafting effective communications strategies.
As a founding partner of Stone’s Throw, Deanne has worked with hundreds of clients across many disciplines. With a calm demeanor and the marketing wisdom that comes only from years of experience, Deanne has the uncommon ability to make the complex accessible and the simple compelling.
Connect with Deanne on LinkedIn.
Janice Mondoker
Janice is director of design realization for Stone’s Throw’s clients. She’s led many successful brand and collateral design initiatives for clients that range from consumer healthcare product manufacturers to architectural firms. She’s expert in marketing program design and execution.
It may be seen as unusual to find creativity and discipline so closely connected, but in Janice they are inextricably bound. Janice understands the dramatic benefits of having a finely tuned workflow process; she sets the standards for best practices, not only for Stone’s Throw, but often for clients who’ve worked with her. She provides the heartbeat rhythm to project management, keeping timing and budgets on track…all while delivering work that embodies a design esthetic that clients (and their audiences) appreciate and admire.
A founding partner of Stone’s Throw, Janice has been recognized with numerous awards for design excellence.
Connect with Janice on LinkedIn.