If you have some time this afternoon, you can move your marketing forward just a bit more without having to make a sizable investment of time or money. Of course, there’s no substitute for a marketing plan that melds strategy with compelling creative and brilliant execution, but these five fixes can buy you a little of the time you need to plan bigger:
1) Use your company logo and website URL in your email signature. Brand. Brand. Brand.
2) Make sure your estimates and proposals include a one-page overview of the solutions you provide for clients, customers, members, or partners. Cross sell. Cross sell. Cross sell.
3) Keep your social media accounts current, but don’t focus energy on them if your optimal audience doesn’t frequent the platform. If your audience does, ensure your plan includes a social content strategy.
4) Audit your marketing materials to ensure that they reflect your business values and culture. If they don’t, plan updates now. Get out your red marker.
5) Network in person. Choose a local event that interests you and register today. When you attend, ask questions and listen to the answers; don’t sell. Then, attend another next week.
This is priceless!