Social media is typically used to describe the universe of branded interactive media platforms that allow users to publish to and interact with each other by means of the Internet. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram.
Post is the term used to describe a message (text and/or photo) published on social media by its users.
Newsfeed is the term used to describe the posts recently published by the people and pages a user follows (subscribes to). They can often be viewed by chronology (most recent) or engagement (most popular). A newsfeed often appears as the center column of posts on a social media page.
Social media metrics refers to using the data linked to an organization’s social media activity to gauge its impact. Metrics are simply points of measurement and they include data relevant to a social media profile and its posts: the number of followers (or subscribers) to the page, number of post likes, number of post comments, etc.
Engagement refers to how the public interacts with a social media page and its posts; it typically refers to shares, likes and comments. Reviewing and understanding engagement helps us determine how your content is perceived by your audiences. Users that view your posts may engage with your post, either by clicking on a small pictogram referred to as an emoji (for example, a heart or thumbs up), sharing your post to their own page, or commenting on your post or a post comment. Each social media platform offers different symbols for engagement, but they primarily function the same way.
Impressions is a term used for the number of people who have been shown the post in their social media newsfeeds, even if they did not engage with the post.
Click-through refers to the number of times users have clicked on a link in your post in order to navigate to another page on the Internet.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the set of quantifiable metrics or measurements used to gauge effectiveness over time.
Why is there a kitty in this blog post image? Adopt a homeless pet
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